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Rad u vrhunskom međunarodnom časopisu
- Gorton M, Sauer J, Peshevski M, Bosev D, Shekerinov D, Quarrie S (2009) Water communities in the Republic of Macedonia: an empirical analysis of membership satisfaction and payment behaviour. World Development 37: 1951-1963 (doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2009.04.003).
- Habash DZ, Bernard S, Schondelmaier J, Weyen J, Quarrie S(2007) The genetics of nitrogen use in hexaploid wheat: N utilisation, development and yield. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, DOI 10.1007/s00122-006-0429-5. 114: 403-419.
- Quarrie SA, Pekic Quarrie S, Radosevic R, Rancic D, Kaminska A, Barnes JD, Leverington M, Ceoloni C, Dodig D (2006) Dissecting a wheat QTL for yield present in a range of environments: from the QTL to candidate genes. Journal of Experimental Botany, doi:10.1093/jxb/erl026. 57: 2627-2637.
- Quarrie SA, Steed A, Calestani C, Semikhodskii A, Lebreton C, Chinoy C, Steele N, Pljevljakusic D, Waterman E, Weyen J, Schondelmaier J, Habash DZ, Farmer P, Saker L, Clarkson DT, Abugalieva A, Yessimbekova M, Turuspekov Y, Abugalieva S, Tuberosa R, Sanguineti M-C, Hollington P, Aragues R, Royo A, Dodig D (2005) A high density genetic map of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from the cross Chines
- e Spring x SQ1 and its use to compare QTLs for grain yield across a range of environments. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, DOI10.1007/s00122-004-1902-7. 110: 865-880.
Predavanje po pozivu
- Quarrie S (2009) Breeding for increased salt tolerance in wheat – mix everything up and see what you get. Invited seminar School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Newcastle University, October 2009.
- Quarrie S, Pekić Quarrie S, Czyczyło-Mysza I, Marcińska I, Chrupek M (2009) The genetic control of water loss from detached leaves of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In the conference: Eco-physiological effects of plant responses to stress. September 16-19, 2009 Cracow, Poland
- Quarrie S (2006) Breeding for stressed environments – the mysterious case of the disappearing wheat seeds. Invited seminar, University of Boku, Vienna, September 2006.
- Quarrie S (2006) QTLs for yield in wheat – What do they mean and what functions might candidate genes have? Invited seminar, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, May 2006.
- Quarrie S(2005) Improving wheat stability and sustainability through breeding – the way forward. AMIFRUGAM project meeting, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, December 2005.
- Quarrie S, Pekic S, Radosevic R, Rancic D, Kaminska A, Dodig D (2005) What is a QTL for yield under drought? From the QTL towards a gene function. Interdrought II conference, Rome, September 2005.
- Gorton M, Sauer J, Peshevski M, Bosev D, Shekerinov D, Quarrie S (2009) The dimensions of social capital and local economic development: evidence from Water Communities in the Republic of Macedonia. Proceedings of Conference “Civil society, social capital and economic development”, 3rd – 4th September 2009, Stockholm, Sweden.
- Abugalieva A, Abugalieva S, Quarrie SA, Cakmak I, Savin T, Turuspekov Y (2008) The content of the microelements in DHL of CS x SQ1 under the two water regiments in South-East of Kazakhstan. In: R Appels, R Eastwood, E Lagudah, P Langridge, M Mackay Lynne (Eds). Proceedings 11th International Wheat Genetics Symposium. Pp 1-3.
- Pekić Quarrie S, Poleksić V, Vucelić-Radović B, Pešikan A, Quarrie SA (2008). Students as partners: from dream to reality. Student self-assessment exam exercises at Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University. In: Proceedings of 9 ECHAE Conference, Leida, September 2008, pp
- Gorton M, Sauer J, Peshevski M, Bosev D, Shekerinov D, Quarrie S (2008) Water communities in the Republic of Macedonia: an empirical analysis of membership satisfaction and payment behaviour. Paper presented at the 5th Transition in Agriculture – Agricultural Economics in Transition Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 17th-18th October.
- Gorton M, Sauer J, Peshevski M, Bosev D, Shekerinov D, Quarrie S (2008) Water communities in the Republic of Macedonia: an empirical analysis of membership satisfaction and Payment Behaviour, paper presented at the International Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, Ghent, Belgium, August 26-29.
- Gorton M, Sauer J, Peshevski M, Bosev D, Shekerinov D, Quarrie S (2008) Members’ satisfaction and payment behaviour for water communities in the Republic of Macedonia. Paper presented at Agricultural Economic Society 82nd Annual Conference, Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, UK, from 31st March – 2nd April.
- Zarić V, Gorton M, Quarrie S (2007) The implementation of public environmental regulations and private standards in the Serbian fresh fruit and vegetable sector: implications for trade and future EU membership. Paper presented at 100th EAAE Seminar on the Development of Agriculture and rural Areas in Central and Eastern Europe, Novi Sad, Serbia, 21st-23rd June.
- Kobiljski B, Denčić S, Hristov N, Mladenov N, Quarrie S, Stephenson P, Kirby J (2007) Potential uses of microsatellites in marker-assisted selection for improved grain yield in wheat. In:Buck HT, Nisi JE, Salomón N (Eds), Wheat Production in Stressed Environments. Proceedings of the 7th International Wheat Conference, 27 November–2 December 2005, Mar del Plata, Argentina. DOI 10.1007/1-4020-5497-1_89. Pp 729-736.
- Pešikan A, Pekić Quarrie S, Poleksić V, Quarrie SA (2006) Developing students’ professional competences for decision making by active learning methodology. In: Proceedings of 8 ECHAE Conference, Prague, September 2006, pp184-189.
- Pekić S, Poleksić V, Vucelić-Radović B, Quarrie SA, Pešikan A (2005) First steps in improving academic skills at the Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University (In Serbian). In: Proceedings of Conference Serbian Higher Education on the Road to Europe – Four Years Later. October 2004, Belgrade. Ed. Alternative Academic Educational Network. Pp 121-128.
- Czyczyło-Mysza I, Marcińska I, Skrzypek E, Grzesiak S, Stawicka A, Chrupek M, Quarrie SA(2009) QTL analysis for yield and yield components under drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). In the conference: Eco-physiological effects of plant responses to stress. September 16-19, 2009, Krakow, Poland.
- Czyczyło-Mysza I, Marcińska I, Reszka A, Skrzypek E, Wędzony M, Quarrie S (2008) The genetic control of responses of wheat leavestoexcision. International conference: Molecular mapping and marker assisted selection in plants. Vienna 3rd–6th February 2008.
- Pekić Quarrie S, Poleksić V, Vucelić-Radović B, Pešikan A, Quarrie SA (2008) Student self-assessment as a tool for improving generic competences and reduce corruption. Exercises at Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University. 9 ECHAE Conference, Leida, September 2008.
- Rančić D, Savić S, Stikić R, Pekić Quarrie S, Quarrie S, Jacobsen SE (2007) Effect of different water regimes on development of the vascular system in tomato fruit pedicels. Proceedings from Conference: Water Productivity in Agriculture and Horticulture – how can less water be used more efficiently? 2-4 July, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Kaminska A, Quarrie S, Barnes J, Gennaro A, Dodig D (2007) A QTL for grain yield on 7AL of wheat is activated by ABA and low nutrient treatments during flag leaf ontogeny. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 146 (2007) doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2007.01.593 Poster Abstract P4.31 S253.
- Quarrie S, Kaminska A, Dodmani A, Gonzalez I, Bilsborrow P, Barnes J, Gillespie C (2007) QTLs governing ozone impacts on wheat yield Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 146 (2007) doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2007.01.660 Poster Abstract P5.20 S261.
- QuarrieSA, Lazić-JančićV, AndjelkovićV, Ignjatović-MicićD, Pekić QuarrieS, Conde-MartinezV, KaminskaA, Barnes JD (2006) A candidate gene for yield in wheat acting through effects on leaf width has a possible homologue in maize. 5th PlantGEM meeting, Venice, Italy, October 2006.
- Dodig D, Jovic M, Quarrie SA (2006) Screening wheat genotypes for germination potential and young seedling growth under water stress. Poster session of IPBS meeting, Mexico, 2006.
- Pekic S, Conde-Martinez V, Steed A, Andjelkovic V, Lazic-Jancic V, Quarrie SA(2005) Drought response QTLs in a DTP maize mapping population growing in pots. Poster session of Interdrought II meeting, Rome, Italy, September 2005.
- Dodig D, Stankovic S, Milicevic-Nikodijevic S, Pekic S, Quarrie SA (2005) Traits related to yield of wheat under drought and near optimum conditions. In: Proceedings of Poster Presentations of the 7th International Wheat Conference, Mar del Plata, Argentina.
- KaminskaA, GillespieC, DodmaniA, BilsborrowP, QuarrieS, Barnes J (2005) QTLs governing ozone impacts on wheat yield. Poster session at CAPER Annual meeting, Glasgow, UK, September 2005.
Predavanje po pozivu sa skupa nacionalnog značaja
- Quarrie S, Pekić Quarrie S, Stikić R (2009) Drought in Serbia – what it means for agriculture, and strategies for its alleviation. CROPWAT workshop, Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade, April 2009.
- Quarrie S (2008) GMOs – genetically modified organisms: what’s all the fuss about? British Council Café Scientifique Presentation, Beograd, 21 May, 2008.
- Quarrie S, Pekic Quarrie S, Kobiljski B, Dodig D (2008) Molecular markers to help wheat breeders improve efficiency of selection for specific traits. Vrnjačka Banja. May 2008.
- Quarrie S, Pekić Quarrie S, Kobiljski B, Dodig D (2007). Understanding the control of wheat yield and its stability – the key to future improvements. Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji. Beograd, September, 2007.
- Quarrie S, Pekić Quarrie S, Stikić R (2007) Fiziološke osnove otpornosti prema suši. Inovacije u ratarskoj i povrtarskoj proizvodnji. Beograd, September, 2007.
- Lazić-Jančić V, Anđelković V, Ignjatović-Micić D, Pekić Quarrie S, Quarrie SA (2007). Genetic analysis of drought responses in maize. XII simpozijum DFBS, Banja Junaković, 4-7 jun 2007 pp.
- QuarrieS, Lazić-JančićV, IvanovicM, AndjelkovićV, Pekić Quarrie S,Ignjatovic-Micić D, Markovic K (2005) Molecular markers and QTL analysis of drought responses at the Maize Research Institute: past achievements, problems and prospects. 60th Anniversary of Maize Research Institute, October 2005.
Učešće na FP (OP)Projektima EU
- WATERWEB (FP6-2002-INCO-WBC-1) No 509163 – rukovodilac potprojekta
- CAREBREED (FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IEF) No 254064 – učesnik
- SMARTWHEAT (FP7-KBBE-2008-2B) evaluation No 227487 – rukovodilac podprojekta
- DROUGHTWHEAT (FP7-KBBE-2009-3) evaluation No 244945 – rukovodilac podprojekta
Bibliografija i kompetentnost za projekat iz domena društvenih nauka na temu obrazovanja
- Pekić, S., Poleksić, V., Vucelić-Radović, B., Quarrie S.A., Pešikan A. (2005) First steps in improving academic skills at the Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University (In Serbian).In: Proceedings of Conference Serbian Higher Education on the Road to Europe – Four Years Later. October 2004, Belgrade.Ed. Alternative Academic Educational Network. Pp 121-128.
- Pekić Quarrie S., Pešikan, A., Poleksić, V., and Quarrie, S.A. (2006) Developing students’ professional competences for decision making by active learning methodology. In: Proceedings of 8 ECHAE Conference, Prague, September 2006, pp184-189.
- Pekić Quarrie, S., Poleksić, V., Vucelić- Radović, B., Pešikan, A., Quarrie, S.A. (2008). Student self-assessment as a tool for improving generic competences and reduce corruption. Exercises at Faculty of Agriculture, Belgrade University. 9 ECHAE Conference, Leida, September 2008.